Tennis – POLLEN (Indie Exclusive)
Weekly Review:
Pollen, the sixth album from husband-and-wife indie rock duo Tennis, is the pair’s most radio-friendly album to date.
The piano chords that set up opening track “Forbidden Doors” are soon paired with a catchy synthesizer part that hints at the album’s dancefloor potential. “Let’s Make a Mistake Tonight” makes good on that promise with a pulsing groove and shimmering melody.
While the synthesizer plays a prominent role on Pollen – the song “Gibraltar” even makes a talk-box guitar sound like another synth – Patrick Riley hasn’t abandoned his guitar. The contrast of strummed acoustic guitar against programmed drums makes “Glorietta” feel like a Garbage demo. The piano chords on “Paper” give the song a lounge vibe. Closing track “Pillow for a Could” is built around a fingerpicked acoustic guitar as delicate as the song’s title.
“Never Been Wrong” wins the award for most catchy and most funny song on the album. The arrangement is built on power pop guitars that wouldn’t be out of place on a New Pornographer’s album. Alaina Moore earnestly asks “How can I suffer through another sunset? It’s like doing needle point with a hatchet.” And that’s before she starts singing in Latin.
Over the course of their dozen-plus year career, Tennis have reliably delivered tidy little indie albums filled with big emotions. It’s nice to hear them hop up to the big screen for Pollen. -Joel Francis “Never Been Wrong” wins the award for most catchy and most funny song on the album. The arrangement is built on power pop guitars that wouldn’t be out of place on a New Pornographer’s album. Alaina Moore earnestly asks “How can I suffer through another sunset? It’s like doing needle point with a hatchet.” And that’s before she an album review. It’s nice to hear them hop up to the big screen for Pollen. -Joel